Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Good surprises...
True story: I planned on taking a nice photo of the back filled barn site bright and early - AND - the carpenter showed up before I had breakfast this morning!!! I greeted him by announcing that he was my new best friend, and since he stayed almost all day, I even made lunch for him. A carpenter on a Saturday of a holiday weekend - I hope this building process goes fast. Java was glad to hear of the progress here. I might be able to ride her over again tomorrow. If so, that's worth a photo if I can tear my husband away from fencing progress.
Fencing installation is so exciting, but exhausting at the same time. We are ultra diligent to follow the instructions well, when this fence is up, it will all be worth it.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
photo coming soon
Moved Java, successfully
Java freaking out, thoroughly
Concrete poured - twice
Foundation poured - wow
lumber arrives Friday - hope we have room
back filling (excavator speak) - Friday
rode Java to the house to see what she thought - absolute insanity. she could not decide between eating grass and freaking out.
And, ALL the line posts for the top fence are auger-ed.
After work I'll set the posts with Jeremy who hopefully will not have more poison ivy. I spent $60 (what!!!) at Walgreen's for scrubs, etc to spare him the torture of poison ivy since he just about looks at it and gets it. And, the top field is like a poison ivy treasure trove.
Photos tomorrow... I promise. Heaps O' Photos.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
found it
Agenda - revised...
go to work
leave work early
move Java to temporary home
auger more fence post holes
pour corner fence post sono tubes
watch crew pour foundation footing for barn
pray for fast progress.
If you were really reading the above, you might have stopped around the line that says move Java to temporary home. This is actually funny. The boarding barn where Java lives (until Wednesday) knew that I was building a barn.
All the photos of Java you have seen are from other barns. I had a photo posted earlier but took it down, Java told me this morning that there was no need to scare everyone.
I kept the barn owner informed of all the boring details along the past year as reassurance that I would give her TONS of notice of when we would be leaving so she could fill the stall. She apparently got tired of waiting and kicked us out of the barn. September 1st was the deadline. Of course I could not snap my fingers and get a barn built (I've tried anyway, so far it's almost working). So Java will stay with some very nice people until the barn is finished here. I will say, it's OK we got kicked out, it's serious motivation to get this barn finally done. If all goes well, by the end of the day on Wednesday, Java will be somewhere bright, cozy and safe. I'll take a good picture because I know you all are worried. Me too. I'm glad we're moving. It's one step closer to Java's Barn!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Tractor Pull at the Chester Fair
Sunday, August 24, 2008
fencing progress
The John Deere fruit snacks are on order for us...
The operator was so nice to stay late the other day that I gave him some John Deere fruit snacks. His reaction was enthusiastic enough to remind me to go to the store and get more. Well, they are still sold out. The store has ordered more. As I put my order in to qualify for the rain check for the awesome sale price, the customer service clerk reassured me that I did not have to commit to an entire case, that they certainly would not go to waste around here! Thursday they will be in. I'll be sure to share with all diggers and builders. Today is all about fence posts. You will see a nice fence post photo later today.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Gator work
kids in a candy store
Friday, August 22, 2008
It's a beautiful day to backhoe
We warmly greeted our new friend Caterpillar. I seriously offered the Caterpillar operator, Dan, John Deere fruit snacks to him for staying late to dig the foundation out today. And yes, he was thrilled. How lucky are we? Rocks are like little ants to this machine.
Permits, check! Excavation, check! Fence, working-on-it check! Oh, brace yourself for this one: person driving down from New Hampshire to take away rocks for free to go into some foo foo patio area in Darien, check! All the hiccups have been reasonable so far: incomplete deliveries, breaking auger, cutting through power line with backhoe, permanent poison ivy, writing-so-many-checks-that-I-had-to-order-more-checks-and-thank-god-they-arrived-in-time-to-write-more-checks. It's still awesome.This is what that nice huge machine can get done in a couple of hours. In person, this hole and trenches look enormous. Tomorrow morning will be some more cool photos...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
say what???????????

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
wondering....about permits and John Deere fruit snacks...
Several things to think about this morning... when are the permits going to be approved? And, is everyone going to believe me when I tell them that the John Deere fruit snacks are ALL GONE AT THE STORE. All the other shapes are there, my little pony, strawberry shortcake, shark bites, and the exact area on the shelf where the John Deere fruit snacks were neatly lined up is stripped bare of those wonderful boxes of fun. I have one box left. They were on sale. I'll be going back.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
tree moving day
Monday, August 18, 2008
Bocce Bye Bye
Fed Ex and Alabama update
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Javas fencing materials
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I'm not the only one...they make John Deere fruit snacks!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The plans are here!
remote control stump grinder and expected quote from the wet guy
So, where do we stand with the "wet" checker from the district? Well, he comes by today and pours some water in the ground and watches it go away, which I am confident it will. duh. Then he calls my town hall and says, "guess what y'all, that land up there where they are building a barn for Java drains real good, and they have plenty of space for a few horses." Thanks, good to know. Then I peel out of work, dukes of hazard style in the station wagon to town hall to file (please god) finally! Then I can start to book more contractors. Hey, it's a team effort, and java is worth it. You will see why when I finally get to talking about her (photos too).
Monday, August 11, 2008
tree work
Got wood chips? We do!! These smell so good! We'll use the John Deere 2305 to spread them on the rest of the path that will go around the property to ride on. Java will appreciate the soft chips, and fresh smell.