Thursday, April 9, 2009

beautiful morning here

We've been busy, and it's tax season. I do not do well with tax season and find it tremendously stressful. Next year will be much easier now that the "farm" is set up, but it's pretty painful to see all those numbers in the outgoing column. After biting a few nails (it was shocking that I had any nails, but spending many hours a day with manure will get you to stop biting your nails), I actually got my stuff into my CPA before April 15 which is early for me. Hey, I'm improving.

And... I've been spending what feels like every minute of the day with what is now a mess with QT. Hey, it's my blog, and well... I feel like being honest. QT was lent to me. That means temporary. Well, to put this simply, it's was a lot easier to get him in here than out of here. He's so cute, and such an incredibly good boy (aside from what he and Java think of each other), we want this to work out well for him. Danny, our incoming buddy is being very, very patient. It will all work out in the end, it always does.

Mr. Java's Mom built a little cold frame for me. We filled with with some semi-composted manure and I spread the seeds. And, after only a week, we have germination! They are radishes. Looks like we'll have a lot of radishes. Hey, it's a start.

All this stress about tax time, and QT, etc.... is all worth is for mornings like today. It started out as a misty morning, but a nice mild spring day. It felt so good out that the horses went out early and I got the stalls done by 9:00. That is awesome:

Maggie up top:


Then the sun came out and they sky became this beautiful blue, birds chirping, horses happy (QT is inside eating hay and poking his head out the windows). There was this peaceful quiet over the property for a minute as the trucks next door clearing the lot stopped for a little... (the food truck arrived) and all is well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A beautiful morning can make up for a lot!