When this rain lets up and the horses go out finally is when I will muck, and with all this extra stall time it will most certainly be a two trip-per to the Manure Cabana.
The Manure Cabana by the way was cookin' good yesterday morning with a temperature reading of 157* at 9:00 am. Yep, hot hot hot. I took the thermometer out and the end was steaming. If only science/physics/chemistry was this interesting in school. I wonder if I could get my D in those courses retroactively corrected if I could prove that I can mix the proper amount of nitrogen (manure and horse pee) and carbon (bedding and hay) to cook to 157* and keep it that way for 10 days to become certified organic... Take THAT!!! I can see the tag line of the marketing campaign now (and if someone for some reason steals this tagline and uses it I will hunt them down and poke them with my 36' compost thermometer): Picture a bag of black gold compost and the copywriting: "Certified Organic Compost= Rocket Fuel for your plantings made by the girl that could not achieve higher than a D in classes that teach about why manure is now the rocket fuel that you are paying for".
Chief Pooper:
Assistant Pooper:
They look so cute looking out their windows!
Love those windows - wish we had some like them!
Yo seester...you spelled "Chief" wrong...don't want to offend the "pooper" now. ;-P
Thanks Max. I swear that I woke up in the middle of the night after posting this thinking abut Cheif/Chief!!! All done, and a few other typos fixed.
I before e, except c, or when sounding like a, as in neighbor and weigh.
My kids, all homeschooled have had that drilled into them. lol!
I'm a true believer that the best way to learn is by doing, or experiencing things....not so much with the book knowledge. That comes after the doing. It's called post-research. :)
Your manure cabana sounds like a true success. Your veggie garden will show it's appreciation for you next year. :)
'except AFTER c.
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