Tuesday, June 9, 2009

just the weather

It's raining... which is good. The new trees have wonderful new growth, and the more it rains, the more growth...you know what I'm talking about. The area that we had cleared has been prepped and seeded (thank you Mr. Java's Mom). The rain is great for that too! Java is safe and sound inside her barn. We have a few options for new boarders... I hope to make a decision soon. I'll make up for the lack of pictures with plenty later today or tomorrow.

Addition: It's pouring. The neighbor who cleared his lot next door has the DOT and a state trooper there watching the river that has been created from the runoff from his lot go across the street. He has been saving this enormous pile of top soil for... spreading back out... when he feels like it, and it's eroding away with the pouring rain, going across the street and down the road. It's like... huge... the poor neighbors across the street are getting a lot of water and top soil, their lawns are ponds and hopefully their basements aren't ponds too!! We get a bunch of his runoff on our property too. Which I want to be infuriated about, but won't let myself. I'm hoping one of the neighbors wigs out on him for their underwater property and that will take care of it all. It's amazing the difference in runoff from when it was a wooded lot next door, to a cleared lot. Fascinating actually. Unfortunately, our newly planted grass might be washing away in spots, but that's OK, I bought two bags. I'll just plant more seed. You can't keep a horse owner from growing grass darn it. Persistence always pays off. Oh, the DOT just came back with a big truck, maybe they are going to dump a bunch of gravel in his driveway to slow down the run off...


Anonymous said...

Rain is nice - but too much is - well, too much!

Melissa-ParadigmFarms said...

What Kate said!