Packing, prepping and fretting about the Horse Trials.
The soon to be new paddock was cleared, I went to sleep with the sound of chainsaws, tractors and wood chippers ringing in my ears.
Sunday: The big day. Java loaded after about 20 minutes, I was so nervous. Mr. Java's Mom towed her perfectly and she arrived safely.
Dressage: We did not go off course...
Our dressage test score stunk. We did the correct test, but with Java's head really high, and she thought it was so much fun that in our first canter circle she played. Honestly, I'm very OK with that. I pulled her off that truck, put my jacket and hat on, dodged the bucking psycho horses in warm up and went in. Java looked around at everything, until we went in the ring. She did not spook, she did play in our first canter circle, and I already knew her head and my lack of contact with the bit existed. That's great!
Stadium was fun. She jumped clear. Very clear. In our division (weenie division of Elementary Senior) time did not count in Stadium or Cross Country. The ring was large and hilly and grass. Java enthusiastically put every effort into launching over the jumps and went clear. Like I had to adjust my hat off my eyes at one point after one of the jumps. She really wanted to trot a lot on the course, so I let her. Java is barefoot and I think she felt that she was more secure on the grass at a trot. Sun's mom videoed it, hopefully I'll get to post it.
Then, during the wardrobe change for Cross Country Java mowed Mom (My Mom) over and really hurt Mom's toe. Mom's toe quickly turned icky colors and Mom sat on the tailgate of the truck with Mackie and Bandy looking on, as it started to rain. Poor Mom had to go home. I recommended a radiograph by the vet... She passed on the opportunity and is getting her foot x-rayed right now.
Poor Mom left, the rain stopped and we headed to the start of the Cross Country course.
It was a mile walk through gorgeous woods, leading to a marsh and river front setting. Java anxiously awaited what was next. We went into the start box and she stood there like a PRO. Then after the countdown 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 we went galloping off. The first jump she sucked way back and as we were going over it, I'm thinking... what is she looking at... then I see Mr. Java's Mom right in front of us taking our picture!! Yay!! We flew by and wound our way around the course, trotting, cantering, galloping and it was so much fun. Java was so wonderful.
Cross Country: Clear.
We finished 6th. Not bad considering we got 40 something penalties in Dressage.
Let's Go Home:
Then it took an hour and a half and a village of spectators and opinions to get Java back in the trailer and the door closed.
The camera some how broke and only three pretty bad photos came out. Not even the one of cross country. The professional photos will be up by the end of the week, so I'll be sure to post something. And, Java looked great, dapples, groomed, happy, and really wonderful. Also, it was fun to see friends, meet new people and get out there and do OK. That horse is awesome.
It was a great day. It also felt so great to come back home. Java and Sun had dinner outside and today are making up for their day apart by spending the day in the top field... so far refusing to come in and take a break from the hot sun.
We're taking trailer loading lessons next.
This is Java and I right after Stadium. Were facing down a hill, she's chewing on the bit, I'm spacing out and our saddle had slipped back while rocket launching around the course. Hey, it's better than the photo of Java and I having a snack at the trailer.
Congratulations - you did it and it even sounds like you had a good time!
Way to go!!! The best part is enjoying yourself and your horse.
I loved reading your description of the day. It sounds like a good time was had by all, including Java! I am disappointed about the lack of pictures though!
Fantastic!! I've done some dressage and stadium jumping...but never cross country. Your go sounded like a blast!!! Congrats on your placing. You and Java earned it!
Except for the trailer loading (I'm actually impressed that you didn't give up and still competed after the struggles trying to leave. Way to go!) it sounds like a fabulous experience. Will you be doing more of these events together?
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