Mom (my mom) the one with the broken toe that Java helped give her at the Horse Trials is coming over this weekend. It's also the weekend of the Chester Fair. We're going to watch pig races and the antique TRACTOR PULL (you might be thinking... wow, your mom likes tractor pulls... and well, I don't know she has not been to one yet). And, eat lots of good fair food, the Chester Fair has awesome fair food (she's a fried dough aficionado). Plus we'll check out the jam entries and placings since I'll be competing next year because we are growing our own berries and vegetables next year. I have to size up my competition.
Sun is leaving. Sun's owner has a 5 year old child. Sun's owner brings said 5 year old over 95% of the time that she is here, at least 5 days a week. I'm told that 5 year old child does not think it is fun here and therefore she is moving her horse to somewhere that he can have fun (run amok). Well... let me be REALLY restrained here: I'm OK that my barn is not fun for a 5 year old child. VERY OK.
So, out the advertisements go for RETIRED horses. Why retired? Because I love to coo over these horses. TLC, health, happiness, routine, love it love it love it. And, if they are retired, all they have to worry about is... nothing, and that leaves me to all the worrying... which is much less when I'm doing the grooming, care, TLC, and everything. I wanted to write this ad: Do you really and truly care about your horse? Really? Are you 238% sure? OK, then you can call me about a stall.
Java and I rode this morning for the first time since the Horse Trials (I use a big H and T because it was so much fun) and she was fabulous. A little hack around, loopy reigns, dodging bugs, perfect. Love her.
Bandy got a haircut. I've trimmed more, including around her eyes since this photo, but the freaking camera is really having a hard time today. She loves it (understatement).
The neighbor on the other side of us is a rental (no I'm not going to take a picture... well, maybe if you ask). They have put a lot of effort to put lipstick on that pig, and it's still a sad looking house. I'm worried if the guy hanging out right now next door is a new tenant or a carpenter trying to make the shack look better. Either way, he LOVES going shirtless. Thank god the fence blocks whether he has on other clothing from my desk as I type. I'm thinking that he's creepy either way.
And, since Mr. Java's Mom might be worried that I was a little too FRANK in this post, this one's for you. Us at the Horse Trials taking a break at Rn'R. Java and I are quite the team with synchronised eating. I swear I'd hang out on the couch with her if she would not hit her head getting in the doorway of the house.
Frank stuff is OK with me! Anyway, next time I have a retired horse, if Jason and Melissa at Paradigm don't have room I'm sending my horse to you - great place, great barn, great care. My 29 yo gelding is too old to travel, otherwise I'd send him to you right now!
Unsupervised (or undersupervised) children at a barn are a disaster - my sympathies.
Oh Thank you Kate!! One: for the compliments and TWO: for the comment about children, well said.
I think posting what you think and how you see things is the great beauty of blogging. As for as a 5 year old running amuck...I'd be petrified that I'd be getting sued for something...People are just too wacko about that stuff these days. You'll find another suitable boarding horse soon.
I'll be back to catch up on your trials...too much to do...not enough time!! But you and Java by the trailer is a great shot...I love candid shots like that.
Any horse - retired or not - would be lucky to live at Java's Barn. Sorry you have had to deal with so many, um, challenging owners. Next!
Umm, unsupervised bored five-year-old---not so much. I kinda feel sorry for the mom, but then if she really wanted to, she could find alternative care for the child. I am wondering if SHE would not be happier in a busier, bigger barn with all the hoo-hah going on. Some people thrive on that kind of stuff. I have thought about offering my empty stall as a retirement but what worries me is the owner not paying, seeing the horse, disappearing and you own another horse--old, lame, sick, dying and the resultant money that will be spent on him/her. So, I ignore that little voice and take care of my own.
Right, a big barn might be more fun for both of them. Not the horse, but that's the funny part. Both humans (both I like very much) might have more fun at a bigger barn, the kid can do what he wants and no one will notice/care and the mom can spend the time she wants to working her horse. I truly support both sides. It would have saved both Sun's mom and me a lot of effort if I had been told that the child has high expectations of barns and provided entertainment. I'm cool with old and or lame, I love giving the tlc... and there's the boarding contract for death and non payment. :)
Goodbye Sun...and child-running-amok! lol!
Wouldn't it be fun to have a barn full of retired horses you could just spoil and love demands and expectations to do anything else?
Bandy's new do looks beautiful. Happy dog!
Java looks gorgeous. Her dapples really shine! You do, too of course....but no dapples, though. :D
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