Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Life got derailed, total derailment - off kilter, etc... several times.

Here are the bullet points:
  • Barn help left unannounced, the month I was due with the baby, and left a trail of destruction and drama behind.  No joke.  More on that to later.
  • Had the baby.  Emergency c-section, Doctor saves lives, we all are OK.
  • Baby comes home and turns life upside down (they do not sleep as much as I thought they did!)
  • Mackie passed away.  We are devastated.  It was unexpected, I thought I had years before I had to say goodbye to him.
  • We got a puppy, another black lab, same breeder, she looks like a mini-Mackie, her name is Blair.  :)
  • Java tried to back out of the trailer with the butt bar UP.
  • We hire a dude named Bud to ship Java to a show in a stock trailer, I squeeze into my breeches, and we have a blast and get a ribbon.
This is life.  Now that you're all caught up, I can get back to posting regularly!

And, our baby is pretty cute if I may say so myself.  :)

The puppy, Blair:

Blair and Bandy get along great, and they run around like terrors and play a tremendous amount.
This is down at the pond, Bandy is partially wet, Blair is terrorizing her to try to get the bone from her mouth.

I miss you Mackie:


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear of your loss of your fine dog.

And I'm glad you're all OK - was wondering.
Cute puppy and baby!

Melissa-ParadigmFarms said...

So sorry about mackie - I didn't realize you had to deal with that on top of everything else. :(

Your little man is so handsome - great to hear from you again!

Nicole said...

Wow, lots of stuff all at once.
Glad to hear your okay, and your baby is adorable!

allhorsestuff said...

Welcome back to feeling caught up here. Really hard to hear of your beloved Mackie. Hope your new black pup may soothe your heart.
Your baby is adorable! Congrats!
Hug that ribbon winning Java mare!

Weaseldancr said...

Hope everything is going well with you guys. Would love to hear an update.

Unknown said...

I was wondering if I got those rubber stall mats, would it help keep the stalls a little bit tidier and cleaner? I don't know if the gravel like, absorbs the poop and makes it bad, or what (I know it absorbs the urine, and it's a bit gross), but it's not the most enjoyable thing. And yes, the gravel is very hard stall mats It's not even the work that I have to do that bothers me, 'cause if I don't muck stalls no one else will, and I want to keep the barn clean-it's just that I've gone through a LOT of straw in the past month, and I'd like to cut back on my usage.